Friday 7 March 2014

I knew we'd meet again some sunny day: the return of Bomb Girls

Let's just ignore Ivan (Michael Seater) on the right shall we and concentrate on these glorious ladies: Charlotte Hegele, Meg Tilly, Jodi Balfour, Anastasia Phillips and Ali Liebert. (And Marco. Played by Antonio Cupo.)

Okay, so basically this blog seems to be about me being an exclamation point about various semi gay pop culture news. But this just in: the Bomb Girls TV film has an air date (it's March 27th which is really soon and I literally just wrote it down on my calendar)! Because guys - you don't know how much I have waited for this! Well, not as long as some for it was only last summer that I watched the series but knowing it was cancelled, it was pretty much a hopeful wait from the very beginning.

Like stated when gushing about The Bletchley Circle, I have this thing for 20th century period drama and women kicking ass. These things definitely met in Bomb Girls and I was smitten. As an added bonus, there actually was a gay character. Not just an implied one. Not just on subtext level. But as a main character whose love life and other aspects of live were treated equally to her straight friends. And which is always thrilling, is having women of different age. So one of the main characters being old enough to be mother to the others was also pleasing. Her story lines had definitely that extra something the younger ones couldn't have.

 Meg Tilly as Lorna Corbett and Ali Liebert as Betty McRae.

 The film is to wrap up the things that were left open at the end of series two - and boy were there many! But two hours is pretty much no time at all to cover the few months that have passed (the film, Facing The Enemy, sets in spring 1943, four to five months later as the series finale) and there are so many people. I want to know how each and everyone is doing! So that can't be the end of everything?! At least this article gives some hope on that matter. But as for now, I'm just super grateful for this. I mean, that's way more than you usually get when your favourite TV show gets cancelled. And these girls, I've missed them so! For those of you who haven't seen the show: what a time to check it out. Which is obviously something you should do asap. I myself just may have to go look at some gifs of Betty McRae.

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