Monday 13 January 2014

Coming out as an appriciator of finer and more mature things in life

Admittedly I have always been attracted to older people. Maybe because I've been surrounded by people more close to my parents' age all my life, it's been kind of the norm. Let's make it easy for you kitchen psychologists out there: I was an only child and my single mother took me to gatherings with her friends. I was often the only kid and surrounded by these women: their attention towards me was warm and welcomed.

When I was in my early teens I fell for this musician from the sixties. (For the record, it was a he as that was the way I rolled before knowing any better.) Even if I fancied the younger 60's cutie, I'd have married the current version in a heartbeat. Our age difference was 39 years. I was thrilled: it wasn't THAT much, less that fourty, it could've been worse! Like in my then-favourite tune, The Who's Pictures of Lily where the kid goes to ask their dad where he could find this dashing lady and turns out she's been long dead and gone. That spoke to me on spiritual level.

In school I didn't always hit it off with my peers and I considered myself more of an old soul. I hung out in the class rooms after the bell had rung and dished on literature, the courses and the essays or practically anything at all with the teachers. I was hopelessly devoted to one especially. I drew her pictures in my diary. If I saw her, I'd write down what she was wearing so that I could remember. One night I had a pretty steamy dream of us making out in the copying room. She sometimes spoke to me in the hallways for no particular reason and I kept doors open for her. In retrospect, she wasn't the first; I was already obsessing over my older women teachers on second grade.

Later on I've developed this form of art into crushing on those how appear on films and TV shows. Or make music. Or make something else that catches my eye. Who happen to take the same public transport with me or merely breath the same air. So on this blog I will gush about fine women: older, a bit younger, those long gone and of the fictive kind. So fasten your seat belts: I hope you'll enjoy the ride. We're on a long and winding road to nowhere.

Sincerely, your captain Puppe

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